I hope you all have enjoyed a fabulous year in the Astonomy Club.
In case you missed the last meeting of the 07-08 academic year, here's the minutes:
We played a game of "Astro" (aka Bingo) with common Dr. Fleisch sayings and astronomy words.
If you were planning to go on the Chicago trip, Dr. Fleisch is trying to reschedule it, so email him ASAP if the weekend of the 11th, the 18th, or the 26th works for you.
This Friday, April 4th, is the next Friday Night Lecture. Come hear our wonderful president, Nick's presentation titled "I bet Newton could draw" at 7:30 in Bailey Auditorium. Observing will follow.
Another Friday Night Lecture is also in the works: Music of the Spheres II presented by Keith Ward is scheduled for April 25th at 7:30.
Our remaining observing sessions are all at our beloved Weaver Observatory
April 4 8:30pm
April 18 start time 9 or 10 pm (it's Girl Scout Science Night)
May 9 9pm (if you're around for graduation)
We talked some more about the Flag of Earth. SETI and the North American Astrophysical Society are in charge of it, so check out their websites or google 'Flag of Earth' for more information.
SENIORS: contact me to sign our Alumni Canvas. Leave your mark on the Observatory (well, just our canvas).
We appointed next year's officers (see Nick's post).
Other topics:
- Gamma Ray Bursts
- badastronomy.com
- AIBS Science Wars: April 15 8:30 watch for flyers
- We're thinking of buying some small ones for the club.
- The three types are iron, stony, and stony-iron.
- meteoroid = in space; meteor = in atmosphere; meteorite = on Earth's surface
- A meteorite fall lands next to you. A meteorite find is found later and must be analyzed to know it is a meteorite.
Dr. Fleisch's book A Student's Guide to Maxwell's Equations is "selling like hotcakes" and has sold out on Amazon twice!! See him if you want a copy or more information.
Erin and I will be ordering T-shirts this week, so email her if you have not already. T-shirts will be in by April 25.
I guess that's it, gang. See you at the upcoming events!