Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Meeting Minutes Oct. 12, 2009

Meeting Minutes October 12, 2009

T shirts

2009-2010 Astronomy Club t shirts will be white with navy lettering.
Design will be the same as last year.
$5 for S/S and $8 for L/S.
Order forms will be emailed to the club members.

Open House and Galilean Nights Homecoming Weekend (Oct 23rd)

We will have an Open House on Homecoming Weekend. The date coincides with the Galilean Nights planned as part of the International Year of Astronomy.
Entire Wittenberg and Springfield community will be invited to participate in the observing sessions.
We are planning to purchase several Galileoscopes (telescope similar in capacity to the one Galileo used).


We are planning short trips to Catawba and South Vienna. These would be evening trips to the dark sites.
Other trips in mind are Serpent Mound and NYC.
We will email with approximate dates and $$$.

WAS Activity Room

The larger bulletin board in the WAS activity room (the room in the lower level of the observatory) will have general information about planets, FAQ, myths, asteroid impacts, etc. Please email other ideas to the members of Astro Club.

Telescope Training Sessions

We will have several telescope training sessions. This will not depend on the weather conditions and can be done in daytime.
We will email dates for the training sessions.
Anyone interested, please email Keith (s11.kmeyers) or Anjelika (s10.agasilina).

Latest Astronomy News

Moon bombing was successful, however at this point NASA has no definite answer whether there is frozen water on the Moon.
And no, the world did not come to an end (whatever your definition of “the world” might be).

Saturn has yet another ring!!! It's extremely gigantic and the distance from the planet to the dust ring's outer “rim” is something like 7.4 million miles. The ring is formed by numerous meteorites that impacted Saturn's moon Phoebe and kicked up some dust as a result. The ring was discovered using NASA's infrared Spitzer Space Telescope.